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Make it beautiful with Atlas

Whether it’s a concrete driveway, patio, wall or even using tilt slab construction, Atlas can help you with product advice and make sure you get a product you can depend on.

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Concrete Driveways

While concreting a driveway can seem simple, the pour and watching it cure into a beautiful finish is the last aspect of a complicated process that Atlas have perfected. It starts with choosing a mix, so have a look at a few with our Visualiser.

Polished Concrete Floors

If you want the aggregate inside the mix to really shine through, grinding and polishing concrete is a great way to achieve a beautiful, durable finish.

Concrete Pools

Creating a concrete pool is a great option if you want to be really creative with the shape – creating flowing lines and contours, or not – straight lines are good too! Atlas can supply spraymix concrete for pool shaping, and can help you create a great surrounding entertaining area.


Concrete Patios

If you want a naturally beautiful and durable finish to your entertaining area or garden, choosing an Atlas mix is a great starting point. Have a look at a few beneath your feet with our Visualiser.


Concrete Fireplaces

Being a great thermal insulator and not able to burn, concrete fireplaces are both practical and look incredible. Poured in-place or designed in pieces, ask your builder what they can do, and we’ll make sure the mix is just right.


Block Walls

A great modular way of creating a retaining or structural wall quickly and cost-effectively. Atlas can source and supply different styles of blocks to suit the look you’re after.

Finding the right builder for the job

Atlas work with a wide network of trusted builders and landscapers, and we can point you in the right direction if you’re not sure who to start your project with. Get in touch and we’ll help you find your perfect match.

How would an Atlas concrete mix look at your place?

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