Atlas Concrete has been a market leader in sustainable construction products for many years. This has been a long-term philosophy that has resulted in optimised raw material choices together with peerless production systems.
All concrete can have reduced embodied carbon. Talk to us about how.
Environmental data is available below.
Low Carbon Concrete is produced by:
• utilising the lowest carbon cement available in NZ
• mixing the concrete at the plant rather than in the truck for maximum material and energy efficiency
• thoroughly testing for on-site placing performance as well as hardened properties
Being independent, Atlas Concrete can source the most effective and cost-efficient cement substitutes. BFS (Blast Furnace Slag) and Fly Ash are industrial waste by-products that have been used globally for decades. Not only do they reduce carbon, but they improve durability as well.
Atlas uses locally made cement from Golden Bay Cement which has the lowest embodied carbon of any GP Cement available in NZ. With cement contributing two thirds of the embodied carbon in concrete this is the best choice by far.
All concrete produced by Atlas is mixed at the plant in large electric powered mixers, rather than in the concrete truck which is more common in the industry. Our mixers make a more consistent product, use less cement, and produce less carbon than when the concrete is mixed in a truck. Atlas is the only ready mixed concrete producer in NZ who has invested in this superior concrete mixing technology at all their production sites.
Atlas can also use recycled material from one of their three aggregate recycling plants to reduce the use of virgin materials by up to 50%
With increasing CO2 reduction, there are increasing effects on set time and strength gain of the wet concrete. The application, season, on-site factors, and construction timelines must be considered when choosing the correct product and so the designer, builder as well as the Atlas team should all be involved.
Before specifying, call the Atlas team to discuss the goals and aims of the project.
GreenStone LCC™ 20 & 30 can be used on almost all jobs, for all concrete, all year.
GreenStone LCC™ 40 & 50 can be used where certain conditions are met
GreenStone LCC™ 60 & 70 are only suitable for piles or concrete cast into a form or mould.
Figures above show the kg GWP or CO2 per cu m.
The ISC 2020 Baseline is published by the Infrastructure Sustainability Council in their Materials Calculator NZ 2.0. It has become the industry standard baseline and used by most concrete suppliers
GWP data for all Atlas Concrete mixes are readily available. This data is derived using the EPD tool from the Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA). This tool is recognised as the premier Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) tool for the cement and concrete industry and used by hundreds of companies globally.
While not a formally verified EPD, the data in the table below can be used with confidence. Around 70% of the embodied carbon in concrete is from cement, and our cement supplier Golden Bay has an independently verified EPD that provides the basis for our figures. The GCCA EPD tool ensures that all the relevant remaining data for other materials and the production process are included and accounted for. Atlas is getting independent verification of this data and will be formally publishing it in an EPD.
Self-declaration based on Environdec c-PCR-003 Concrete and concrete elements (EN 16757) . Certificates are available for all data presented below.